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Showing posts from October, 2017

USB-C: What it is, what you can do with it and why you will see it everywhere

The new connection present in the new MacBook is a standard that will reach more laptops and devices. The arrival of the new MacBook has brought with it a new controversy that is not for nothing new, the elimination of ports and connections. Apple is very given to being the first companies to launch products that eliminate traditional data input sources. It happened with the floppies, it happened with the CDs and now it's happening with the USB. The new MacBook only has a USB-C connection that will be used mainly by its battery power cable, but in which you will be able to connect more devices, either with this connection or with one of its adapters. What is clear is that this is the beginning of the end of the laptops as we know them, if something can do Apple is create trend and surely in the next few years we will see ultrabooks with fewer connections, focusing more and more on the cloud and technology wireless Ca. What is USB-C? This is a standard created by sev